Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monday, December 27th, 2010

In a surprising turn of events, someone showed up to work today bragging of a homemade supibrot! I thought I would post it to show anyone can make a supibrot of their own.

Thought to be of British origins, this supibrot is comprised of "leftover steak, gruyere cheese (makes anything good), egg, atop a crumpet"

I see an english muffin in this photo, but to really dig deeper into the description, let's answer the following question:

From a webpage titled: "Is there a difference between a crumpet and an English muffin?"

A crumpet is a sweet bread that is cooked like a pancake, but rises so that the top is full of tiny holes. It is served with butter and toppings like jam and honey.An english muffin is more like a sweet bread roll in that you split it open to put on the topping and then eat it like a sandwich, closed. Below are photos of an english muffin and a crumpet.

English muffin?

Read more: Is there a difference between a crumpet and an English muffin? Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/368331#ixzz19PoCtJHl

Don't say you never learned anything from supibrot!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2 tupperwares: One with the Christmas spirit.

It contains an over-abundance of snowpeas, crinkle cut fries and mayonaise.

Perfectly fitted second container: 1 butter sandwich and 1 more hotdog!

This apple made another appearance, however the subject reacted so quickly by biting away the suspicious areas a photo could not be had.

Happy Holidays! Supibrut's muse is out until the new year. See you in 2011!
December hotdog count: 0011

Monday, December 20, 2010

This lunch reminds me of what might have been served at the first Thanksgiving in 1621: wild rice, carrots, peas and hotdogs wrapped in pancakes in lieu of turkey.

Thoughtfully packed in an otherwise un-used yogurt container, it's easy to pick up one for a snack.

How do you serve such a feast? Draped over a bowl.

-and served with Grey Poupon.
December hotdog count: 0010

Friday, December 17, 2010

3 fishes, potato salad and some bread. Zooming in on the bag reveals the bread was "best used" by 07/2010.

December hotdog count: 0009

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lunch consists of 1 hotdog, spaghetti, something green and a partially eaten apple.

December Hotdog Count: 0008

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What a treat! Today, we were taken out to eat at an Italian buffet. The subject, however, was confined against a pillar.

Incorrectly identified as spinach - the subject decided to try some broccoli rabe. He won't be doing that again.
In the car, 4 starbursts were found in the door.
And a supply of sugar pellets was found behind the passenger seat.
December hotdog count: 0007

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A pair of binoculars with an integrated digital camera arrived in the office today.

From 30 feet, we see 2 tupperwares one red and one green.

The container on the left appears to be pasta, while the container on the right contains vegetables.

A trio of treats: homemade yogurt, almost an entire apple and a clementine - prepped for eating.

Pushing away pasta reveals a secret: one lone hotdog waits to be discovered.
December hotdog count: 0007

Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Today, lunch was transported in a backpack borrowed from an 8 year old boy. The Jansport is in the wash.
We were notified that there are too many photographs of the subject's pants. So enjoy this image folks! This might be the last shot of the subject's legs for awhile!

A piece of pie looks relaxed in the bottom of a small tupperware.

Filled over the brim today, we see a foundation of asparagus. Despite the glistening appearance, no sauce was used when making the vegetables.

Picking up a k-wire, probably used down in the cadaver lab, a cinnamon butter sandwich is highlighted at the top of the pile. Shortly after taking this picture, it was consumed.


Butter with turkey, dotted with pickles. Note this bread slice failed under stress, leaving a small piece vunerable to gravity.

As you can see, there are two wildly different thicknesses of homemade bread slices. It was speculated they were cut so the container was filled to its fullest capacity by the time lunch was packed.

Pizza, pizza and vegetables.

Chaos ensued during the photoshoot, the camera took some uncontrolled photos as the small piece of bread hit the floor, was picked up and reunited with it's brothern.

Afternoon snacks include a banana and a gogurt.
December hotdog count: 0006
December chicken count: 0001

Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Popular things that come in pairs:

Without further ado:

Good morning!

What do you get when you fill a container with 2 parts sandwich, 2 parts oranges and 1.5 parts hotdogs?

Answer: Friday's lunch.

An aerial view highlights a few areas we need to zoom in on:

One of the oranges has been pre-cut for easy peeling.

A cross-section of the bottom sandwich reveals chicken salad. The top one is a butter sandwich.

At the bottom of the Jansport, 2 additional oranges and 2 gogurts lie in wait.

Time-elapsed photography allows the viewer to participate in the unveiling of a piece of pie. It was also this exciting in real life.

The table is set, eating is ready to commence.
December hotdog count: 0006
December chicken count: 0001

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Let's create something delicious.

Yesterday's chicken container with leftover chicken and 1 butter sandwich.

One pretty nice looking red apple.

And a bucket of potato salad!

Potato salad has an expiration date of 1 month ago. We heard arguments during yesterday's lunch that the chicken actually only said it should be "sold" by the week before, not eaten by the week before. Today, there is no such excuse. Although, the subject tried to counter that potato salad was supposed to taste sour, and aging it over time enhances the flavor.
Definition of "spectacle":
  • something or someone seen (especially a notable or unusual sight); "the tragic spectacle of cripples trying to escape"
  • an elaborate and remarkable display on a lavish scale
December hotdog count: 0004
December chicken count: 0001