Thought to be of British origins, this supibrot is comprised of "leftover steak, gruyere cheese (makes anything good), egg, atop a crumpet"
I see an english muffin in this photo, but to really dig deeper into the description, let's answer the following question:
From a webpage titled: "Is there a difference between a crumpet and an English muffin?"
A crumpet is a sweet bread that is cooked like a pancake, but rises so that the top is full of tiny holes. It is served with butter and toppings like jam and honey.An english muffin is more like a sweet bread roll in that you split it open to put on the topping and then eat it like a sandwich, closed. Below are photos of an english muffin and a crumpet.

Read more: Is there a difference between a crumpet and an English muffin? Answerbag
Don't say you never learned anything from supibrot!
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