Swiss Fondue! An adventure story.

We finally arrive on the Swiss/Italian border. Hospitably, the restaurant provided some treats. Mainly a combination of cucumber/liver supibrots!

This meant the subject received a bonus liver supibrot! The night was off to a good start for the subject.

Next up, a colleague politely ordered a mountain of local meats for each person at the table. We each received a plate with salami, proscuitto, parma, something else and the white stuff on top was fat. Just slices of fat.

The "something else" was the subject's favorite.

And as an accompaniment: Over pickles and onions we all agreed the Amish people from Lancaster seem very trustworthy.

Subject and said colleague enjoyed the local specialty: cheese fondue. This shows the flame is up really high.
Dip the bread in the cheese and eat. It's that easy.
Best kept secret: The browns at the bottom are even more delicious! Offered to the guest, you are to scrape up the brown bits and eat. Scrumptious!
Quite seriously, after indulging in ~ 1hrs worth of cheese eating, the subject was informed that if he was thirsty, under no circumstances was he to drink water or cola as he could die of a cheese stone in his stomach. If he was hungry, he was to stick to one of three things: wine, cherry brandy, or grappa! We all decided grappa would be the safest choice.
Bonus: Common cheese fondue conversation -US Citizenship questions: (post answers in comments section)
1) How many senators are there?
2) Can Puerto Ricans vote?
3) How many Supreme Court Justices are there (hint: it's an odd number)
Grazie! Tonight was a fun night.