Swiss Fondue! An adventure story.
We finally arrive on the Swiss/Italian border. Hospitably, the restaurant provided some treats. Mainly a combination of cucumber/liver supibrots!
This meant the subject received a bonus liver supibrot! The night was off to a good start for the subject.
And as an accompaniment: Over pickles and onions we all agreed the Amish people from Lancaster seem very trustworthy.
Subject and said colleague enjoyed the local specialty: cheese fondue. This shows the flame is up really high.
Next up, a colleague politely ordered a mountain of local meats for each person at the table. We each received a plate with salami, proscuitto, parma, something else and the white stuff on top was fat. Just slices of fat.
The "something else" was the subject's favorite.
Subject and said colleague enjoyed the local specialty: cheese fondue. This shows the flame is up really high.
Dip the bread in the cheese and eat. It's that easy.
Best kept secret: The browns at the bottom are even more delicious! Offered to the guest, you are to scrape up the brown bits and eat. Scrumptious!
Quite seriously, after indulging in ~ 1hrs worth of cheese eating, the subject was informed that if he was thirsty, under no circumstances was he to drink water or cola as he could die of a cheese stone in his stomach. If he was hungry, he was to stick to one of three things: wine, cherry brandy, or grappa! We all decided grappa would be the safest choice.
Bonus: Common cheese fondue conversation -US Citizenship questions: (post answers in comments section)
1) How many senators are there?
2) Can Puerto Ricans vote?
3) How many Supreme Court Justices are there (hint: it's an odd number)
Grazie! Tonight was a fun night.
I think the "something else" also known as "subject`s favorite" is Bündner Fleisch.