Monday, February 21, 2011

International Supibrot!

From somewhere in the Australian outback comes this guest supibrot! Caveat: this guest blogger is a tad dramatic.

"How ya’ goin’ mate?!

Yours truly has been working on Ozzie vocab. And with another 36 hours traveling to get here, I had plenty of time to practice. Side note: V Australia is a cool airline. First thing you see when you get on the plane is a full bar? That’s what I’m talkin’ about.

Anyway, today’s report is on Tim Tams. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Follow along with me:

First, start with a chock-a-block full package of Tim Tams.

Next, bite the corners off one Tim Tam.

Brew some coffee! Or tea. Nah, coffee is the way to go. Important – see lessons learned below for some common mistakes.
Now it gets awesome. Use the Tim Tam like a straw – put one corner in the coffee, and suck on the other end. The coffee comes up through the Tim Tam and melts the chocolate and wafer together. Cue heaven.

Repeat 5-50 times, depending on how many Tim Tams are available.

Lessons learned (the hard way): 1) Keep a serviette (napkin!) handy. Things will get messy. 2) Don’t drink and dunk. Once the coffee level gets low, things will get REALLY messy.

3) Make sure the coffee is cool enough to drink. Third degree burns on your tongue will ruin the experience. 4) Buy more than one package at a time. They go quickly.

Bonus pic: Meat pies! The tomato sauce is clutch.

Done and dusted, over and out."

And that is how you eat a tim tam - any questions???

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