Supi 1: January 10, 2011. Bratwurst and a red pepper. Flavor enhanced with cranberry horseradish sauce. A butter sandwich, homemade yogurt and a glass of water act as sides.

Supi 2: January 11, 2010. 2 bratwursts, mushrooms?, a bucket of mustard?, some more mustard, a slice of bread, homemade yogurt, napkins and a glass of water! Whew!
FYI: White bratwurst sausage was created in Munich by a young butcher, Sepp Moser in the late 1800s. As the story goes, he was finishing up his sausage making while patrons were sitting in the little cafe next to his shop, getting impatient for the morning meal. He had used up all his normal sausage casings, and instead used a thin variety to hold the freshly ground meat. Knowing they would probably break apart if he fried them as usual, he threw them into a pot of just boiled water to cook them. His disgruntled guests were pleasantly surprised at the new sausage and thus the white bratwurst was born. Read more:
Why Is Bratwurst White? eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_4587961_why-bratwurst-white.html#ixzz1DIailIk6
Supi 3: January 25, 2011. Macaroni and cheese, hashbrowns, probably a couple hotdogs, and some homemade yogurt. A mysterious image has formed on a slice of homemade bread. What could have caused this to mire up a perfectly good lunch? All we know for sure is that it is not a coffee ring. Only the subject has the key to unlock this mystery, but he's not talking...

Non Supi 1: An all american lunch we found someone else eating in the cafeteria.

Supi 4: January 31, 2011. Why does the subject always transport homemade bread in store bought bread bags? A nutrituous meal of two cans of whiting filets. These made the supi blog back in 2010. You can still buy them at ALDI.

Here's an expiration the subject won't have trouble with. 2014! And check out this nutritional powerhouse, 2 cans, at 2 servings per can is a whopping 44g of protein and 3,120 gm of sodium.

Non Supi 2: The jar on the left expired in 2008. Which means it was probably bought in 2003. Subject #2 claimed that it was still good and there was no way he was going to throw out perfectly good tabasco. Encouraged to bring it into the cafeteria for a side-by-side comparison with fresh tabasco it failed both blind taste tests and blind smell tests. Go through your refrigerators and clear out this kind of stuff. Life's too short.

Supi 5: February 07, 2011. Spaghetti and hotdogs. Gone.
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