From somewhere in the Australian outback comes this guest supibrot! Caveat: this guest blogger is a tad dramatic.
"How ya’ goin’ mate?!
Yours truly has been working on Ozzie vocab. And with another 36 hours traveling to get here, I had plenty of time to practice. Side note: V Australia is a cool airline. First thing you see when you get on the plane is a full bar? That’s what I’m talkin’ about.
Anyway, today’s report is on Tim Tams. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Follow along with me:

Brew some coffee! Or tea. Nah, coffee is the way to go. Important – see lessons learned below for some common mistakes.

Now it gets awesome. Use the Tim Tam like a straw – put one corner in the coffee, and suck on the other end. The coffee comes up through the Tim Tam and melts the chocolate and wafer together. Cue heaven.
Repeat 5-50 times, depending on how many Tim Tams are available.

Lessons learned (the hard way): 1) Keep a serviette (napkin!) handy. Things will get messy. 2) Don’t drink and dunk. Once the coffee level gets low, things will get REALLY messy.
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